Jun 30, 2007

just another day without you

Happy day, Canada! I can't think of anything about you I don't miss, except CTV's predictable ear-worming onslaught of Canadian Idol adverts right about now. Must. Watch. Canadian Idol. Damn.

Edit: I just realized that my posting time stamp is Toronto time, not Seoul time. Don't let 'June 30th' fool you, it's Canada Day here, but the actual country's still got 12 hours before it celebrates. No worry, I fix, but in the meantime raise a lukewarm BBQ July 1st pint for me, Canada.


Kelly said...

Cheers, young grasshoper!! And a right happy Canada Day to you..



Anonymous said...

Hey!! Happy Canada Day Sarah!!! You'll have to go out and celebrate there anyway!! Show them the Canadian way lol...xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

tell me you've looked at the top 22...

riley said...

Thanks all.

garbs: totally saw. I double-take'd. I totally forgot about him.

riley said...

ps. shaddup.